When was Sugar Hill Farm established?
Sugar Hill Farm was established in 2003. After many years of old farmland being out of operation the pasture lands were cleared, fenced and brought back to life.
When did Sugar Hill Farm start raising animals?
In 2005 we started with two sows that farrowed baby piglets, and a handful of cattle. Currently we have over 50 sows on our pasture land.
How many pigs are on the farm?
Between piglets, sows, boars, and feeders there are currently around 400 pigs on the farm.
What are your pigs fed?
Their diets consist of corn, soybean, and a special mix of minerals. They also enjoy foraging though the soil looking for food.
Where can I purchase your meat products?
You can find Sugar Hill products at our farm market located at 3629 Route 199, Pine Plains NY. You can also find our product at The Warehouse Market located in Rockaway NY. Updates to our partners selling our products will be available on our website, facebook page (Sugar Hill Farm) and Instagram page (@sugarhillfarmny)
Do you sell live Pigs and Piglets as well?
Yes, please contact us at 518-398-0228 or at sales@sugarhillfarmny.com and we will be happy to discuss what your looking for.
Where are the animals processed?
Hilltown Pork processes our animals, they are USDA certified. They are located 35 miles from the farm in Canaan NY.
I am a restaurant and am interested in your product, do you offer bulk product?
We will be happy to discuss your needs as we keep inventory regularly in stock. Please contact us at 518-398-0228 or at sales@sugarhillfarmny.com